Energy Solutions
Leading the Way with Sustainable Design
Environmentally responsible design begins with a passion and commitment to sustainability. Our team has Energy and Environment Practice leader professionals, resulting in an integrated, sensible approach where green strategies are ingrained in the entire decision-making process.
As a leader in sustainability, we are highly qualified in the design and construction of sustainable buildings. Our team's portfolio includes more than 12,953 kWP DC installed green projects at 24 Estates of United States.
The philosophy and stewardship that drives sustainable design is ethically and morally aligned with our way of doing business. We want to positively impact our communities and make them better today and for future generations. We are committed to sustainable design as a best practice in every project we undertake.
Best Practices Approach
We follow a best practices approach in which green strategies are ingrained in the entire decision-making process. We incorporate sustainable strategies into our building programs by focusing on five broad areas that canvas the development process:
Sustainable site planning
Safeguarding water & water efficiency
Energy efficiency & renewable energy
Conservation of materials and resources
Indoor environmental quality